Unertl Rifle Scopes For Sale

We are not familiar with every possible combination of obscure rifles and sights or scopes being mounted on them.

When we have information that we believe is correct, we're glad to pass it along. If we don't know, we'll just say so!

J Unertl Scope Serial Numbers Chart

There are a lot of shooters and shooting forums where the information you are seeking may (or may not!) be found.

Many less-common scopes, sights, and rifles are out there. These may need mounts which constitute 'specials', which we cannot take on at this time (2019).

If time permits (meaning not right away), we'd like to compile a list giving known rifle/block information, and post it here.

We have many old Unertl and Lyman mount charts for reference - including info that is confusing, contradictory, out-of-date, or just plain wrong!